Manau is new PNG Petroleum & Energy Secretary
The Papua New Guinea Minister for Petroleum and Energy Mr Kerenga Kua thanked Mr Lohial Nuau for his service over the years following the (National Executive Council) NEC’s decision yesterday (Tuesday 10 December 2019) to appoint a permanent Petroleum and Energy Secretary, Mr David Manau.

Mr Kua acknowledged the support given by the outgoing Acting Secretary Mr Nuau over the last nine months since he became the Minister of Petroleum, and more recently Energy.
“I thank you for your invaluable assistance as Acting Secretary. You are a fine gentleman and a true professional and I am pleased to inform both you and Mr Manau that the decision of the NEC yesterday was merit based and in line with the PSC (Public Service Commission) processes of appointment,” he said.
Mr Kua turned to the new Secretary, Mr David Manau and informed him that he looked forward to working with both men who have served many years in Petroleum and have a lot to still contribute to its operations.
The Minister said, “We have had secretaries acting for many years in this position and it is about time that we have some consistency and stability in the Department. An official handover can take place once the official gazette is out. Mr Manau will have to start by addressing outstanding issues in the Department including the vacancies that still exist.
Mr Kua outlined the importance of the Petroleum and Energy Sector saying, “There will not be any time to rest as we need to oversee the continued implementation of the
Papua LNG project and the negotiations that are still a foot for the P’Nyang Project.
“Furthermore we also have the many legacy issues that the Department is currently working on to conclude so I can take this long outstanding issues to NEC to endorse aplan for a way forward.
“Finally, I invite all stakeholders to also embrace the decision that the NEC has taken and to work with Mr Manau as I will be doing for the betterment of the Department and
the people of PNG and all concerned".
Following the NEC decision yesterday, Minister Kua called in both men, Lohial Nuau and David Manau and announced to them the decision that was taken.
Vacancies remain in the Department and Mr Kua has called on the new Secretary to consider Mr Nuau for one of those positions considering his seniority and experience in the Department.
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Mr Kua acknowledged the support given by the outgoing Acting Secretary Mr Nuau over the last nine months since he became the Minister of Petroleum, and more recently Energy.
“I thank you for your invaluable assistance as Acting Secretary. You are a fine gentleman and a true professional and I am pleased to inform both you and Mr Manau that the decision of the NEC yesterday was merit based and in line with the PSC (Public Service Commission) processes of appointment,” he said.
Mr Kua turned to the new Secretary, Mr David Manau and informed him that he looked forward to working with both men who have served many years in Petroleum and have a lot to still contribute to its operations.
The Minister said, “We have had secretaries acting for many years in this position and it is about time that we have some consistency and stability in the Department. An official handover can take place once the official gazette is out. Mr Manau will have to start by addressing outstanding issues in the Department including the vacancies that still exist.
Mr Kua outlined the importance of the Petroleum and Energy Sector saying, “There will not be any time to rest as we need to oversee the continued implementation of the
Papua LNG project and the negotiations that are still a foot for the P’Nyang Project.
“Furthermore we also have the many legacy issues that the Department is currently working on to conclude so I can take this long outstanding issues to NEC to endorse aplan for a way forward.
“Finally, I invite all stakeholders to also embrace the decision that the NEC has taken and to work with Mr Manau as I will be doing for the betterment of the Department and
the people of PNG and all concerned".
Following the NEC decision yesterday, Minister Kua called in both men, Lohial Nuau and David Manau and announced to them the decision that was taken.
Vacancies remain in the Department and Mr Kua has called on the new Secretary to consider Mr Nuau for one of those positions considering his seniority and experience in the Department.
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