PNG Police Commissioner Manning directs Police on Logging sites to cease operations
Papua New Guinea Police Commissioner Manning has directed all Police personnel operating at logging sites around the country to cease their operations forthwith and report back to their respective police stations.
According to NBC News, the Police Commissioner David Manning revealed his directives following a call made by Northern Governor Gary Juffa.
Governor Juffa this week has called on police Commissioner to issue a policy directive to stop all police personnel to protect logging sites at the request of foreign logging companies.
Juffa raises concerns that police officers on sites often abuse locals whenever they raise any concerns about their land.
Commissioner Manning told NBC News that the office of the Deputy Police Commissioner has issued the directive to all Regional Commanders and Provincial Police Commanders to implement the directive.
Manning said failure by Regional Commanders and PPC with this regard will be dealt with accordingly.
NBC News / PNG Today
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Governor Juffa this week has called on police Commissioner to issue a policy directive to stop all police personnel to protect logging sites at the request of foreign logging companies.
Juffa raises concerns that police officers on sites often abuse locals whenever they raise any concerns about their land.
Commissioner Manning told NBC News that the office of the Deputy Police Commissioner has issued the directive to all Regional Commanders and Provincial Police Commanders to implement the directive.
Manning said failure by Regional Commanders and PPC with this regard will be dealt with accordingly.
NBC News / PNG Today
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