COVID-19 Update in PNG : No new cases in PNG as yet
NCD COVID-19 UPDATES-MONDAY 30, MARCH 2020: Since the first case of Covid-19 in PNG through the expert employee of Harmony Mine, there has not been any new case to reveal local transmission.

The National Task Force Team, under the leadership of our Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, is doing all they can to bring updated information to everyone and we are working together and in constant consultation in the fight against Covid-19 threat.
More than 50% of persons of interests has been tested and the results have turned Negative.
That does not give us the OK to be COMPLACENT.
We must never forget we are an integral part of the Global Community.
If Covid-19 is still a Global Pandemic as we speak, we must act in that accord despite it not being realistically present in PNG.
Lest we forget, Indonesia and PNG share one land mass without any wall of separation and it is spreading uncontrollably at that neighbourhood.
Given our poor border control and Security, how can we be assured that it won’t cross over the border?
The fight against Covid-19 is not over until it’s over globally.
We must act and practise as if we are in the RED code as the rest of global community.
We cannot afford to have a case and allow it to start spreading in PNG.
If countries with the most esteemed Health Services like; UK, Italy, USA, Spain etc... are struggling to contain the virus, it will be catastrophic for us if it comes to our shores.
The least we can do is prevent it and we have to act as if it was here already
SoE Enforcement:
Observing in the last couple of days, people are still very relaxed and complacent. As the Governor of our city, this attitude of our people worries me a lot.
I had written to the SoE Controller to enforce Curfew in the city.
I had sought specific directives to be granted to the NCD Police Command.
Enforce curfew to operate in the city from 2pm to 6am with exemption of movement for health workers and list of concerned authorities directly involved in the Covid-19 Task Force Operations.
Enforce total ban on public motor vehicles (PMVs).
Enforce control on the movement of people and goods like betelnut into NCD from Central and Gulf Province.
Enforce social distancing at public arenas, market places, churches, taxis and private vehicles including company trucks transporting employees.
Enforce stop to all street vending and betel nut trading.
Enforce stop to sale of Liquor and operation of night clubs in the city.
If possible, I will seek the support of the National Government through PNGDF to enforce all the preventative measures so people can visualise the importance of what we intend for them.
Health Workers are the frontline service providers for our people.
For them to confidently do their job, I am giving them my full support. They need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect themselves before they serve our people.
We have already committed K500,000 to purchase already available PPE in the country.
These will be made available for all Urban clinics include Gerehu Hospital and PMGH.
It will be kept at Taurama Aquatic Centre under the control of our Provincial Task Force team and will be distributed to them when required.
I appeal to all our health workers and people in charge to use the medical equipments wisely and protect yourselves as you are the front liners in the fight against Covid-19.
1. Always wash your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitisers frequently
2. Practise social distancing
3. Avoid hand shakes
4. Do not touch your face
5. No spitting
6. Do not chew betel nut
Thank you.
Governor for National Capital District
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The National Task Force Team, under the leadership of our Prime Minister Hon. James Marape, is doing all they can to bring updated information to everyone and we are working together and in constant consultation in the fight against Covid-19 threat.
More than 50% of persons of interests has been tested and the results have turned Negative.
That does not give us the OK to be COMPLACENT.
We must never forget we are an integral part of the Global Community.
If Covid-19 is still a Global Pandemic as we speak, we must act in that accord despite it not being realistically present in PNG.
Lest we forget, Indonesia and PNG share one land mass without any wall of separation and it is spreading uncontrollably at that neighbourhood.
Given our poor border control and Security, how can we be assured that it won’t cross over the border?
The fight against Covid-19 is not over until it’s over globally.
We must act and practise as if we are in the RED code as the rest of global community.
We cannot afford to have a case and allow it to start spreading in PNG.
If countries with the most esteemed Health Services like; UK, Italy, USA, Spain etc... are struggling to contain the virus, it will be catastrophic for us if it comes to our shores.
The least we can do is prevent it and we have to act as if it was here already
SoE Enforcement:
Observing in the last couple of days, people are still very relaxed and complacent. As the Governor of our city, this attitude of our people worries me a lot.
I had written to the SoE Controller to enforce Curfew in the city.
I had sought specific directives to be granted to the NCD Police Command.
Enforce curfew to operate in the city from 2pm to 6am with exemption of movement for health workers and list of concerned authorities directly involved in the Covid-19 Task Force Operations.
Enforce total ban on public motor vehicles (PMVs).
Enforce control on the movement of people and goods like betelnut into NCD from Central and Gulf Province.
Enforce social distancing at public arenas, market places, churches, taxis and private vehicles including company trucks transporting employees.
Enforce stop to all street vending and betel nut trading.
Enforce stop to sale of Liquor and operation of night clubs in the city.
If possible, I will seek the support of the National Government through PNGDF to enforce all the preventative measures so people can visualise the importance of what we intend for them.
Health Workers are the frontline service providers for our people.
For them to confidently do their job, I am giving them my full support. They need Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to protect themselves before they serve our people.
We have already committed K500,000 to purchase already available PPE in the country.
These will be made available for all Urban clinics include Gerehu Hospital and PMGH.
It will be kept at Taurama Aquatic Centre under the control of our Provincial Task Force team and will be distributed to them when required.
I appeal to all our health workers and people in charge to use the medical equipments wisely and protect yourselves as you are the front liners in the fight against Covid-19.
1. Always wash your hands with soap and water or using hand sanitisers frequently
2. Practise social distancing
3. Avoid hand shakes
4. Do not touch your face
5. No spitting
6. Do not chew betel nut
Thank you.
Governor for National Capital District
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