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What to expect from the COVID-19 State of Emergency 2 months extension in PNG

Controller of the SoE, David Manning, said the current restriction on international flights will remain under the extended SoE.

Mr Manning said that in 14 days (from Tuesday next week), the government will make an announcement on strict protocols to facilitate the uplifting of some 50-plus citizens abroad.

He said this will also include other foreign nationals who are considered essential to assist PNG in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Upon return all international passengers will be required to be in quarantine for 14 days in facilities which have been identified and are being developed.

The Controller also announced a number of security measures that will be in place during the SOE. These include:

• Resumption of domestic flights as of Tuesday 7 April for Port Moresby, Mt Hagen, Lae, Madang and Rabaul. However, COVID-19 hygiene restrictions and testing will apply. Passengers will also be required to provide a statement for the purpose of their travel to avoid unnecessary travel during the SoE;

• Sale of alcohol will be restricted only to all major retail supermarkets, restaurants, and hotel. All bottle shop outlets in urban, settlement and village areas will remain banned from selling alcohol;

• All primary, secondary and tertiary schools will remain on Easter Holidays with Term 2 commencing on 27 April 2020;

• Public transport will resume on Tuesday 7 April and will strictly apply COVID-19 health and safety measures. The number of passengers will be restricted taking into account physical distancing. A 25 seater will be expected to carry 15 passengers. Buses normally carrying 15-12 passengers will now carry five passengers less. The buses are also expected to do regular wash downs as well;

• The current established provincial road blocks will remain in place until the Controller gazettes the location of the national and provincial sites. All essential services will continue to travel including fuel, food, medical supplies, equipment and essential service employees;

• Isolation facilities will be established in all provinces;

• COVID-19 testing commenced today (Friday 3rd April) in Port Moresby and Lae airports and seaports for passengers as well as airline and port staff;

• Rapid Response Teams consisting of NDoH, volunteers, police, PNG Defence Force started today with 8 tested in Daru, Vanimo, Kiunga and Wewak. Samples will be collected every second day and tested in Port Moresby; and

• There are strict penalties for any person or company who breach SOE Emergency Orders. Penalties includes fines and imprisonment for a breach that leads to an infection.

“The SoE is in place to ensure the safety and health of our people whilst we enter a new way of life under the COVID-19 restrictions. The RPNGC and PNGDF will continue to patrol and attend to all security and crime issues within PNG and along the common border areas,” Mr Manning said.

Health: PNG increase COVID-19 testing efforts

Secretary for Health and Deputy Controller of the SoE Dr Paison Dakulala said the PNG Health Department with support from the National Government is now ramping up screening and testing efforts as the country continues the State of Emergency for the next two months.

A multi-disciplinary team of 32 trained personnel from the Health Department and PNG Defence Force have started rapid response testing in all the seaports and airports in the country today.

“Volunteers from the University of PNG Medical School, health workers, police and the army have been trained to provide rapid response testing at the borders,” said Dr Dakulala.

Other key health responses include:

• Samples to be collected every second day and airlifted to Port Moresby and the PNG Institute of Medical Research for testing;

• Broader testing, which is a part of the Health Department’s COVID-19 Emergency Response Plan to screen points of entries in the country will ensure airline and seaport workers are safe;

• Part of the Emergency Response Plan is to undertake border COVID-19 testing at the PNG-Indonesian border as well as all provinces;

• Testing for persons of interest will also be done in Lae and Port Moresby where the index case had travelled;

• As of today 5,673 of the 6,485 persons of interest have completed their 14 days quarantine while 73 of the 86 people under investigation have been cleared;

• In addition, laboratory results for 12 people still pending while 20 contacts under investigation have been cleared;

• While there are NO confirmed cases in the country (except for the index case), the government with support from the Joint Agency Task Force for COVID-19 is working with provincial health teams respond to people’s request for screening;

Dr Dakulala said, “The tests we have done so far are for people with cold and flu and breathing difficulties only. These are people who have been in contact with the Index Case including callers who called the Toll-Free Number 1800200 and reported symptoms.

“While the Government has relaxed some restrictions, people must remain vigilant in their health care and continue to observe health and sanitation roles being made in this pandemic period."

Next :

Domestic Air Services in PNG to resume

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