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PNG PM Marape warned not to use Military to Undermine Democracy - Respect three Arms of Government

The Coronavirus Pandemic is not a law and order issue, it is a Public Health issue, so there is no need for the Prime Minister to be calling out the PNG Defence Force to provide security.

The Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Belden Norman Namah, MP, has raised serious concerns about the callout of soldiers under the guise of the Coronavirus response, when there is clearly no need for military involvement in the National Capital District.

Military ‘callout’ is only done during a situation where when situation is totally out of control and cannot be handled by the Police Force. This happens especially in an escalating law and order situation like civil unrest, tribal fights and civil war. The other situation that would warrant a ‘callout’ would be where there is a serious natural disaster causing lives and damage to properties.

“It is of grave concern that placing soldiers with weapons on the streets of Port Moresby is all about Marape’s desperate last attempts to hold on to power.

“If this is the case, the Prime Minister is playing with fire that he does not understand and has no way to control.

“There is a clear separation of powers between the three Arms of Government. Which means the Courts and the Parliament must be allowed to operate and function without interference from the Executive Government of the day.”

The Leader of the Opposition said he is issuing a direct warning to James Marape today:

“If you, James Marape, have hidden motives for calling out the military, this will be your downfall.

“If you have secret plans behind your military callout and if you have intentions that are unconstitutional, I warn you that the full force of democracy and the judgment of our people will fall upon you.”

Mr. Namah said Papua New Guinea is a country that is bound by the principles of democracy and freedom, and if Marape seeks to use the military to intimidate or to interrupt, he will find himself in very deep water.

“PNG is not Hela. And while Marape might think that the warlord standover tactics he is used to are acceptable, this is not the case for the rest of the Nation.

If Hon. James Marape as Member for Tari-Pori is held bent on a Military ‘callout’ then he should issue a Military ‘callout’ for Tari-Pori and Hela where killings and destruction of property is happening on a daily basis. As of last week four (4) more people were killed including a Grade 7 student. This would definitely warrant a Military ‘callout’.


“There is absolutely no need for military callout to assist with the issues relating to the Coronavirus Pandemic at this point in time.

“Yes, there has been an escalation of crime, and that is because the economy has hit rock bottom and people are hungry and desperate, but this is not related to the Coronavirus Pandemic.

The rise in crime is because of Marape’s own bad decisions which are greatly affecting our economy. Hence, our people are now desperate for survival.

“It is hard to understand why Marape wants troops on the ground with guns in PNG, whereas in other countries they have troops on the ground with their hands and their hearts helping people.

“The best role for our military is to assist with logistics for the public health operation in a manner that only they can provide, not as soldiers on street corners with assault rifles.”

Mr. Namah said the callout of the military is made worse because of the unresolved issues that our troops have with James Marape’s leadership in particular.

You need to pay their outstanding allowances for their active duties in the Highlands Region, the National General Elections, regular border patrols and the APEC Summit in 2018. There is also an outstanding issue of ex-servicemen who are still living in our military barracks throughout the country.

“Two days after the conclusion of APEC Summit in 2018, James Marape, then as Finance Minister, stirred up soldiers and policemen and promised them back-paid allowances of K500 per day. But Marape did not deliver on his promise. This means that to date all of the military and police personnel are still waiting for their promised K500 Kina per day.”

“After calling out our troops to the border regions earlier this year, Marape demonstrated his lack of regard for their welfare and their families.

“Our troops were not properly supported with resources, training or safety equipment. In fact, the reason our soldiers became infected with Coronavirus is because Marape’s administration did not give them the equipment they needed to protect themselves and stay safe.

I am also calling on the Prime Minister, Hon. James Marape and the Covid-19 Controller and Police Commissioner David Manning to come out clearly and inform the entire nation as to the engagement of the two (2) Australians with the National Covid-19 Operations Centre namely:

1. Mr Brett Cowling; and

2. Mr James Cooper

The nation would want to know:

1. What capacity they are engaged in?

2. What roles do they perform?

3. How much are they being paid for their services?

4. What are their qualifications?

5. Are they the ones responsible for the manipulation and drafting of the Covid-19 Orders that are being issued by the Controller?

I am reliably informed that these two (2) are the “King Pins” in the National Covid-19 Centre directing traffic and controlling the Controller Mr Manning as to what orders to impose such as:

1. Military ‘Callout’;

2. Shutting down of Churches from worship;

3. Declaring of further lockdowns; and

4. Pronouncing Covid-19 cases without conclusive medical evidence.

If this is so then, it is already in direct breach of our National Security.

Next : 

PNG Air Operating Under COVID-19 Travel measures

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