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PNG Department Heads told to Spend less time with Politicians

Heads of government departments in Papua New Guinea have been urged to spend less time with politicians but  more time with public servants.

Not only public servants but spend time to read and understand the workings of the General Order and Public Service Management Act.

PNG Public Servants dedication service
PNG Public Servants dedication service . Photo by NBC 

Minister for Public Service Joe Sungi made the call during the dedication service this morning. 

He said heads of departments need to know the  General Orders and the public service management Act to keep the government system in order.

''If you are a manager, and if you don't know the GO or Public Service Management Act, please spend time to read and understand, stop following us members of Parliament or  Administrators,'' said Sungi.

The Public Service minister also emphasizes that senior officers in the management levels in the Public Service have been challenged to spend time with their Human Resource Officers to identify issues affecting the workforce.

''Managers of each agency, ask the HR Managers in there, what is the problem, why are officers not paid their entitlements, why are they not appraised, why are we not recruiting to fill up the position,  or is there training needs etc,'' Sungi told the Heads of Departments, Managers of Statutory bodies and CEO of State-Owned Enterprises who attended the Dedication Service today.

NBC News / PNG Today

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