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PNG Police locate Young Lady, commence invetigations

Papua New Guinea Police in Port Moresby have located the young lady  featured in a video that went viral on the internet.  Police released the following statement.

''We would like to thank all that have shown concern and also for the comments.

The young lady came forward to Police by reporting  to the Divisional Commander's Office the very next day from when the appeal was posted. 

She is being attended to by specially assigned Police investigators. Her security has been guaranteed by Divisional Commander NCD & Central.

Anyone who interferes with her and her family, by way of intimidation or threat will be dealt with swiftly.

Investigation has commenced and necessary action will take place once due process is completed.

We thank everyone who have been contacting and  in- boxing us to assist locate the young lady. She has been located already and is linked up with Police investigators. 

We have pulled down our previous post as it has already  served its purpose.''

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