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Port Moresby Police apprehend two Crime Suspects

A police officer travelling in a civillian car saw some suspicious men carrying guns in a Grey SUV at Port Moresby's Hohola early today, police media reports

The suspects were pulling away from the Suk Suk tyre service station when they were spotted.

The Police Officer alerted his colleagues by phone and Sector Patrol Fox 204 caught up with them near the Tango supermarket at Tokarara. 

The vehicle bearing the number plate BFP 077 turned into a backroad and went up a hill overlooking Ensisi valley.

The car was abandoned near a Church at Ensisi suburb, but members of Sector Patrol Fox 204 caught one suspect and recovered three homemade guns and a 5.55 high powered rifle bullet inside the abandoned car.

Sector Patrol Fox 203 also assisted their colleagues and caught a second suspect at the Ensisi round-about.

The recovered car, weapons and suspects were taken to the Waigani Police Station and locked up.

Investigations are continuing and the suspects are expected to be charged.

Police Media / PNG Today

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