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Bilateral Talks underway between PNG and Indonesia

Indonesian President Joko Widodo and his entourage arrived in Papua New Guinea to a red carpet welcome and 21-gun salute by the PNG Defence Force, at Port Moresby's Jacksons International airport this morning.

Mr. Widodo flew in from Sydney on his Presidential plane, after completing his State visit to Australia.

Indonesian President Joko Widodo given guard of honour by PNG Defence Force [Photo by PM's Media]

The President was met at the airport by Prime Minister, James Marape, sidelined Foreign Affairs Minister, Justin Tkatchenko, NCD Governor, Powes Parkop and other ministers, Foreign Affairs Secretary, Elias Wohengu and PNG Defence Force Commander, Major-General, Mark Goina.

From the airport, President Widodo paid a courtesy visit to the Governor-General, Grand Chief Sir Bob Dadae, before heading to the APEC Haus, for bilateral talks with Prime Minister Marape.

Discussions will include Indonesia-PNG Border Agreement, Trade and Investment, Business-to-Business as well as People-to-People connection.

President Widodo's trip to PNG follows Prime Minister Marape's visit to Indonesia last year, further solidifying the strong relationship between both nations.

NBC News  / PNG Today 

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