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PM Marape meets Chief Justice and it is Constitutional : Pomaleu

 Papua New Guinea Chief Secretary Ivan Pomaleu has confirmed that the Prime Minister and the Chief Justice met at the Prime Minister’s Office on the morning of 29th September 2023, to discuss the National Judiciary's Budget Estimates for 2024, as provided for in the Constitution.

In compliance with Section 209 (2B) of the Constitution of Papua New Guinea, the Prime Minister Hon. James Marape graciously received His Honour, the Chief Justice of Papua New Guinea at his office, and provided him, the opportunity to present the Judiciary's 2024 Budget Estimates.

"The Chief Justice was accompanied to the meeting by the Acting Secretary for the National Judiciary Staff Services, and two key advisors," Mr. Pomaleu said.

"They were received by the Prime Minister, James Marape, Attorney General Pila Niningi, myself and a Deputy Secretary from the Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council.  

"It is a normal constitutional requirement for the Chief Justice to present the Judiciary's budget estimates for the upcoming fiscal year, to the Prime Minister, before 30th September 2023.

"The Chief Justice is named as the one who will present the expenditure requirements for the following fiscal year for the Judiciary to the Prime Minister."

The Chief Secretary also confirmed that, as prescribed by the Constitution, the Judiciary's Budget Estimates for the next fiscal year must be submitted to the Prime Minister before the 30th of September each year. The Prime Minister then writes a letter of support for their budget estimates to Treasury. 

Mr. Pomaleu also confirmed that the Prime Minister today released a letter of support for the Judiciary's 2024 budget estimates to the Treasurer, Ian Ling-Stuckey.

“This is a constitutional interaction of the two arms of government conducted by the Prime Minister, and the Chief Justice, and attended by the relevant officials. The records will show that this is a process that has been conducted by successive holders of the two offices time and time again, and well before the two current incumbents,” Mr. Pomaleu said.

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