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Papua New Guinea Affirms Commitment to Traditional Security Partners Amidst China Concerns

 Papua New Guinea's Foreign Affairs Minister,  Justin Tkatchenko MP, has emphasized the nation's unwavering dedication to maintaining robust relationships with its traditional security partners. Minister Tkatchenko addressed recent apprehensions surrounding an alleged 'Security Deal' between China and Papua New Guinea.

Highlighting China's significance as one of Papua New Guinea's major economic and trade collaborators, Minister Tkatchenko assured that the country would continue fostering cooperation with China in these domains. He reiterated Papua New Guinea's adherence to the One China Policy since 1975 and emphasized the enduring and genuine nature of the bilateral relationship, acknowledging the ability to "agree to disagree."

Minister Tkatchenko pointed out the existence of various agreements and memorandums of understanding between China and Papua New Guinea, with ongoing assessments of bilateral proposals. Specifically, he acknowledged China's offer to assist in the policing sector through training and the supply of equipment for the internal security sector.

However, the Minister underscored the meticulous evaluation of this offer to ensure it does not duplicate or compromise existing agreements with traditional security partners, Australia and the United States. He stated, "It is not going to be the end of the world if we do not come to an understanding or agreement with China. Our relationship is one of great respect and maturity."

Minister Tkatchenko clarified that the top priority for the Marape-Rosso Government is the implementation of security agreements already signed with Australia and the United States. These agreements, aimed at ensuring long-term security benefits for Papua New Guinea and the broader Indo-Pacific region, align with the government's strategic focus.

As geopolitical dynamics continue to evolve, Papua New Guinea maintains a stance of maturity, emphasizing respect for all diplomatic relationships while prioritizing the security and well-being of the nation and the wider region.

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