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National Statistician Assures Data Security in Digital PNG Census 2024

 PORT MORESBY – The Papua New Guinea's National Statistician, Mr. John Igitoi, has assured the public that data collected using tablets in the current census will be secure and confidential.

“We have taken every necessary measure to ensure the confidentiality and security of the information collected,” said Mr. Igitoi.

The census process involves the use of tablets to collect data from respondents, with all information securely stored on a cloud-based server. Igitoi emphasized that these tablets have been rigorously configured and double-checked to ensure proper functionality.

“They are loaded with the necessary software and tested to ensure that they can collect and transmit data securely,” Igitoi added.

Mr. Igitoi highlighted that his agency has implemented a robust system to guarantee data security. “We have a robust system in place to ensure data security, including encryption and secure servers. We are committed to protecting the confidentiality of the information collected and ensuring that it is only used for statistical purposes.”

Addressing concerns about the use of tablets in certain areas, Igitoi stated that the agency has taken measures to safeguard the devices. “Some areas may not be welcoming to have digital devices being taken in there. So we have taken steps to protect the tablets and ensure that they are used safely and securely.”

The census aims to be digitally oriented with real-time data processing facilitated through tablets. Despite some criticisms about potential data privacy issues, Igitoi reassured the public that the system is secure.

“There is no issue with the tablets. The information collected will be uploaded onto a cloud-based server and will only be accessed for statistical purposes and for development purposes only,” he said.

The digital approach to the census is expected to enhance efficiency and accuracy in data collection and processing, providing valuable insights for the country’s development.

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