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PNG Launches Policies on SLIP, WASH, Inclusive Education, and Teacher Development

 Papua New Guinea's Education Department launched five strategic policies  to support the implementation of the National Education Plan 2023-2029.

Education Secretary Dr. Uke Kombra stated that these policies are designed to improve access to schools and educational institutions for students and young people across the country. The policies introduced are the School Learning Improvement Plan (SLIP), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Inclusive Education, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) in Schools, and Teacher Professional Development (TPD).

Dr. Kombra explained that while the SLIP policy has been in place for a decade, a clearer framework was needed to guide schools in developing effective learning improvement plans. "We must have a clear policy that will guide new principals, new boards, and everyone in the system," he said.

Regarding the WASH policy, Dr. Kombra noted that although it has been a national government initiative, it has now been adapted for implementation at the school level. He also highlighted that the Inclusive Education policy aims to ensure that no child, regardless of ability, is left behind, while GESI focuses on addressing gender and other forms of disadvantage.

Dr. Kombra emphasized the significance of the TPD policy, describing it as the first of its kind in PNG, aimed at enhancing teachers' professional development from pre-service training to their work in schools. He expressed gratitude to the Australian government for its partnership and support in finalizing and unveiling these policies.

"We hope to see these policies fully implemented in our schools and believe they will benefit students' learning," he added.

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