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By Graham Tenaen Robinson
Opposition Leader Hon. Belden Namah was blunt as usual in a press conference this afternoon when replying to questions from the media about his take on the Managing Director defying the orders of the CEO of this country with the eviction exercise at Waigani.

Hon. Belden Namah was quick to respond as he provided a full account of how protocol is followed with directive from the top, claiming Peter O’Neill knew about the eviction, however was tight lipped, yet when things got out of hand, he stepped in to save face.

“The MD or the Minister were not defying any directions from the PM. Initially when an eviction takes place the Chief Executive (referring to PM) is always consulted on any actions by any government departments or by any Minister. It was done (referring to the eviction exercise) with his full knowledge. Let me tell the people of Papua New Guinea, the public servants and the occupants of that particular house at Waigani; If you think that Peter O’Neill is a good guy, the initial direction was given by Peter O’Neill to National Housing Corporation for the eviction to take place. He only reacted to save his own face. But now the actions have already taken place and he is not doing anything. That’s how evil our Prime Minister is.”

Hon Belden Namah went on to clarify his stand regarding the PM claiming that the opposition leader was a national threat to the country, describing it as the joke of the year and urged journalists to study the history of the PM.

He further openly called for an independent investigation to be done separately in investigating both him and Peter O’Neill to conclude the truth on who was a national threat to this country. 

“Journalists must study the way Peter O’Neill is operating in this country. Let me put it this way during the impasse (referring to political impasse) everybody branded me, as the bad guy but every action that I took, was to protect him. It was done with his full consent. But when shit hits the fan, he tries to become a good guy.”

“You can’t bet your money, you can’t bet your life because he is an undecided human being.” 

The Opposition leader didn’t stop just there yet further described the Prime Minister as a clinical thief.

“I am responsible for creating that monster and I regret creating the monster and if Papua New Guineans blame me, I accept the full responsibility, I accept the blame.That is why it is my responsibility to put this monster to rest.”

Opposition Leader Hon. Belden Namah did not spare a thought about ramifications of his statements as he repeatedly challenged Peter O’Neill to take him to court and that he would produce all evidence in court against the PM of this country.

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