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Forum to stop Land Compensation Claims

Works Minister Francis Awesa. Getty
The fate of compensation claims made by people living along national highways will be known soon when a forum is held next month in Mt. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, to put a stop to the practice.
Works and Implementation Minister, Francis Awesa, announced this last week while signing contracts for the Lae Roads.

There is already a law called the Protection of Transport Infrastructure Act 2010. The Act clearly highlights penalties for people claiming compensation for work done on public highways and roads.

However, that law has not been implemented since it was passed some three years ago.

Works Minister, Francis Awesa, said this law will be fully implemented after the forum concludes in Mt Hagen next month.

The forum will see 42 members of Parliament, 7 Highlands governors and other dignitaries come together to make a pledge to say no to compensation.

Minister Awesa said the department has gone through so much in dealing with landowner demands and the forum will bring an end to such actions.

He said compensation demands were rife in the Highlands, and the department therefore wants all Highlands leaders to cooperate to end this mentality. 


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