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China to fund housing in Papua New Guinea

The National Housing Corporation's mission to build and deliver 40-thousand houses for public servants in Port Moresby, took another boost, following a successful funding negotiation with a bank in China.

 Housing Minister Paul Isikiel was in China recently to negotiate the funding, with full agreement from the Government.
 The I-C-B-C Bank of China, has agreed to give the Government AN OPTION of up to 500-million US Dollars or about 15-million-kina.
 Under the arrangement, ICBC Bank will provide money through a Public Private Partnership arrangement where the Housing Corporation and its business arm, the National Housing Estate Limited, and Niule Number 16 Limited, a globally reputable industry are joint partners.
 Up to 5-thousand houses will be built each year, until the 40-thousand house project is completed. Minister Isikiel said the project will also provide jobs for 1-thousand Papua New Guineans.
 The project to be constructed at Durham Farm at Moitaka in Port Moresby, will become a satellite township with its own police station, schools recreational facilities and shopping centre.
The houses will range from as low as 100-thousand Kina for low cost houses, 150-thousand for medium, while high cost houses will be left open for market forces to determine.

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