Loujaya Kouza steps down, takes on new role
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill made this announcement on Friday. He said Ms Kouza will be interim chairperson until the budget process for next year and legislations are brought to Parliament for the permanent establishment of the Lae City Commission.
"I want to thank former Minister Loujaya Kouza who has now taken up chairmanship of Lae City Commission. She has voluntarily stood down, and I thank her for her dedicated service, for the last two years," Mr O’Neill said.
"She is a courageous leader and I am certain that, that strong determination will be reinforced in the management of Lae city."
Mr O’Neill said Lae city is growing into a big city with the developments that are currently taking place, and as such it needs strong leadership.
"It will remain part of Morobe province. We have resolved all the issues with all the leaders of Morobe including the governor, the lord mayor and of course the member for Lae and the President of Aihi Local Level Government," the PM said.
"Kouza’s being the chairperson, is an interim arrangement. Proper legislation is now being circulated for their comments and it will return to parliament before the budget session in November."
PNG Today / Post Courier
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