PNG to receive K601 million aid from European Union

This amount is almost equivalent to the allocation of Euro 180 million that was announced by the head of the European Union (EU) delegation, Martin Dihm.
The proposed allocation was disclosed during the PNG-EU awareness dialogue earlier this month.
"The allocation for PNG for the next six years is Euro 180 million," Mr Dihm said.
The EU has a long standing partnership with Papua New Guinea since 1977 and the partnership covers the three areas of aid and development, trade and has recently included political relations to the alliance.
The area of aid or development cooperation has been a focus for the union for a long time, Mr Dhim said.
"This is the oldest area of our cooperation, currently European Union is the second biggest grant donor in PNG, funding put at the disposal for development by our member states," he said.
The main areas supported by the union in aid or development cooperation have been infrastructure, mining and rural development, but also water and sanitation, education, good governance, human rights and importantly the fight against gender based violence in favor of gender equity and participation.
PNG and EU have intensified their cooperation in the area of trade recently and the latest addition to this relationship is for a true political dimension between both parties.
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