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The National Government's decision to partly sell P-N-G Power has met stiff opposition from the State entity's workers nationwide.
The employees, with the support of the union and the landowners, especially those from Koiari, say the Government will NOT privatize part of P-N-G Power, unless it pays off all their claims and entitlements.
P-N-G Power workers in Port Moresby met at the Headquarter to petition the board and management on their stand.
The purpose of the gathering on Friday 26th of Sept. was for the union representatives to inform the general staff on the outcome of a consultative meeting the board, management and union had with State Enterprise minister Ben Micah this week, on the partial privatization of PNG Power.
The meeting instead turned rowdy as the workers were upset and angry over the government's decision to sell parts of PNG, the very company that they regard as their lifeline.
Many who spoke raise serious concerns over their Job Security, Benefits and Entitlements including outstanding claims.
This is despite Minister Ben Micah's assurance that government will take on board all their concerns.
The employees insist that government should not sell PNG Power because they have seen from other entities such as PNGBC, Post and Telecommunication and others that went through such thing have never been paid their entitlements.
And most of them have lost their jobs through the privatization exercise, and to date some are still fighting for their entitlements, and they said they do not wish to go down the same pathway.
President of PNG Energy Workers Union, Addy Gisa told the staff , unions are supportive on their stand and would like to ensure authorities take workers concerns as a priority.
The workers presented their demands to the president to be taken up to the management.
The staff have demanded the management to pay out all their entitlements by pay number 20 which is next Friday, or otherwise.
Its understood similar gathering have been conducted in other main centers .

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