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We here at PAPUA NEW GUINEA TODAY would like to say HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to our followers/readers. New Year 2015 is here. In a new year hype, in Port Moresby and around the country,  count down ended with a boom as voices joined across the nation to welcome the new year. Bamboo's were played, garamut's sounded and unconventional noise makers like spark plugs popped to farewell 2014 and welcome the New Year 2015.

In Port Moresby, family gatherings over a BBQ and drinks were the more popular inclination. However, night clubs like Illusion, Lamana Gold Club and The Cosmopolitan rang out loud with music and hype as party goers drank to the rhythm of the New Year's beat.

Fireworks were also used extensively all throughout the nation's capital, with a big bolster of sparks fired into the cool night air Down Town, at Five Mile, at the Lamana Gold Club as well as lesser blasts from private homes.

Probably one of the most highly celebrated New Year festivities to date, many people are still partying on.

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