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Pacific Games Monument Vandals apprehended

A group of youths who are  responsible for defacing with graffiti a Pacific Games monument at the Foodland roundabout on Monday  have been arrested by Police. Disappointed PNG Sports Minister and  Port Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko said These youths are student from his own electorate. 
"I am disappointed as the Member for Moresby South that these are students from my own electorate, but this only gives me the greater opportunity to deal with them directly daily with the help of Badili Police, Schools and the 14 Street community, for real rehabilitation and progress".

He released the culprits to their parents on the following conditions. 

1. That they report to and sign in at Badili Police Station every Saturday 8am to an assigned officer, and taken to weekly marked locations to clean graffiti for 3 months consecutive.

They will clean graffiti for 3 months straight
2. Failure to report and sign in (1),will result in Arrest and Charge.
3. In close consultation with Schools, Parents and Community Leaders, they will attend their classes and be at their homes by 5pm every afternoon including Saturdays and Sundays.
4 Failure to comply with (3) will result in Arrest and Charge.
Laws governing these minor crimes can never be enough for the rehabilitation of our young people, Imprisonment can only do so much. We want to play our part daily in the boys rehabilitation, therefore this decision with conditions, will allow us to remind them daily that they have committed a crime, and we want them to change.

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