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PNG Prime Minister O’Neill Extends Condolences Following Passing of Malcolm Fraser – Expresses Gratitude for Support to PNG

The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea, Hon Peter O’Neill CMG MP, has extended Papua New Guinea’s condolences over the passing of former Australian Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Malcolm Fraser AC CH.
“I would like to share my deepest sympathy, and those of the government and people of Papua New Guinea, to the family of Malcolm Fraser following his passing early this morning.
“Mr Fraser was not only a significant Australian Leader, but had a commitment to facilitating economic and social development in the Pacific that will always be remember with great appreciation.
“As Leader of the Opposition in Australia, Mr Fraser provided bi-partisan support to the Whitlam Government on decisions that led to Papua New Guinea’s Independence in September 1975.
“Then as Prime Minister, Mr Fraser worked with my predecessors, Sir Michael Somare and Sir Julius Chan, to ensure our bi-lateral relationship was strong and mutually beneficial.
“The new nation of Papua New Guinea benefited enormously from the generous support arrangements, that the Fraser Government provided to our people.
“Mr Fraser further negotiated a practical border arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea that recognised cultural and historic ties.”
Malcolm Fraser was made a Grand Companion of the Order of Logohu in 2010 for his service to people of Papua New Guinea and to the Papua New Guinea - Australia bilateral relationship.
PM O’Neill said after he retired from politics, Malcolm Fraser won further respect for his role in supporting regional development in initiatives.
“Through the establishment of the CARE organisation in Australia in particular, Mr Fraser continued to make a major impact on overseas development support, both through CARE Australia and CARE International.”
“The people of Papua New Guinea offer our deep appreciation, and share the feeling of loss for a great man, while at the same time remembering his many achievements,” PM O’Neill said.
Mr Fraser was Prime Minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983. He passed away at the age of 84, on 20 March 2015.

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