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Central Police boss warns Gr.8 students not to drink beear after exams

Central Provincial Police Commander has given a strong warning to grade 8 students who may be thinking of celebrating their end of exams with alcohol or drugs to think twice before doing that.
He says this is not the end of their education career and they should not do things that will jeopardize their own future.
"I want to warn you grade 8 students that if you are found to be under the influence of alcohol and roaming around in central province trying create havoc, my police men will be patrolling and with have you charged and locked up."
"Students, you must know that this is not the end of you education career and you should refrain from doing such practices. Also I want to advise parents to please monitor your students who are doing their exams so that after they finish their exams they come home straight and do not go anywhere or else they may be caught doing illegal things," said PPC Asi.
Furthermore, Asi commended Grade 10s and 12s students in the province for setting the bench mark of not consuming beer and drugs after their national examination completed in the previous month and wants the grade 8s to follow this practice right through as well....read more on PNG Education News

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