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James Bond Movie Premier was a "SPECTRE"

The James Bond 007 movie Spectre premiered on Friday at the Paradise Cinema vision city  in Port Moresby under the sponsor of Heineken a SP Brewery product; where corporate firms here in Port Moresby representatives dressed up in James Bond 007 style attired in gentleman suits, tuxedos and ties as the ladies dressed to kill in classic elegance from mini’s to dresses.
The premier displayed an atmosphere filled with lights, sound and customize Heineken James Bond 007 product bottles, bar place mats, coasters and the paradise cinema scene setup in red carpet walk way and a photo shoot for all in front of a James Bond Spectre back drop poster with lady ashes dressed in red cocktail dresses as a James Bond theme.
Heineken spokes person welcomed those who attended with a James Bond movie history and stated that this James Bond 007 movie Spectre is now showing in five continents around the world globally where PNG is now part of.
The James Bond 007 Spectre movie shown for almost 2 and half hours of again another brilliantly thrilled with action and emotions.

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