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Kokoda Tourist rape suspects still at Efogi

The three suspects which included the guide who was with the tourist couple who were assaulted, robbed and the female partner raped on Monday at Kokoda, are at Efogi Village along the Kokoda Trail.
They are currently undergoing interrogation with a police investigation team according to Central Provincial Police commander Laimo Asi.
He said the suspects were supposed to be flown to Port Moresby today (14/01/16) to be arrested and charged however the location was remote and investigations needed to be done thoroughly at the scene before they were taken to Port Moresby.
The suspects included the guide who was with them but decided not to travel any further with them and returned before the incident occurred.
Commander Asi speculated that the suspects could face charges for deprivation, abduction, wounding and rape. 
Furthermore the suspects would possibly face attempted murder charges depending on the investigation. 
The Kokoda Trekking Authority has also pledged to support the investigations until justice is served.
According to their Chief Executive Officer James Enage the male victim will return to testify and assist the legal proceedings to prosecute the offenders.

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