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Micah accepts appointment as new Petroleum Minister

The outgoing Minister for Public Enterprise and State Investments said the change to Petroleum and Energy comes as no surprise to him having already been given the heads up by the PM.
Having said that Micah told the media that it’s the prerogative of the PM to reshuffle ministries and he is only willing to take on the new role as Petroleum Minister and carry on the good work left by outgoing Minister Nixon Duban.
“I respect his decision because he is the boss and all of us now need to do perform what the PM expect us to do in the new portfolios that we have been assigned,” Micah said.
Micah will outline what needs to be done in the petroleum sector after consulting his new staff first. The official handover takeover ceremony will take place on a later date.
Meantime, Micah believes that the to be new Minister for Public Enterprise and State Investments William Duma, is capable of managing the work in the ministry.
“I do believe that Mr. Duma is equally capable because he has been a Minister for 15 years and a very experienced cabinet member and I believe he will bring experience and the same kind of commitment and determination that will ensure that much of the work that are still yet to be done, will be done.”

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