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Law Society investigation into allegations against lawyers

The Committee notes that it has been many months since the high profile investigation into
allegations against lawyers Greg Sheppard and Harvey Maladina was commenced by the
Law Society. This investigation stemmed from allegations made in an SBS television
program relating to money laundering.
The President of PNG's Law Society, Peter Kuman, previously indicated that the Society had
appointed an independent inspector to analyse the firm's trust account over the past five
years. Mr Kuman also indicated that the Society had written to the Lawyers' Statutory
Committee to look into possible breaches of lawyers' conduct rules.
The Committee is concerned that the investigation into this matter has taken far too long and
the public deserves to know what has transpired. In addition, the Committee would like an
assurance from the PNG Law Society that those persons on the Statutory Committee do not
have a conflict of interest in the investigation or alternatively absent themselves from any
meeting where the investigation is discussed.
The Committee notes that there are apparently hundreds of such cases to be reviewed by
the Law Society. The Society might consider the old maxim ”justice delayed is justice
At present the legal profession is self-regulating in that complaints against lawyers are heard
by the Lawyers Statutory Committee of the PNG Law Society. If the Law Society cannot or
will not self-regulate, it may be time for the Committee to conduct a public hearing with a
view to establishing the status of all complaints received by the Lawyers Statutory
Committee and the reasons for any delays. This situation will then inform Committee
consideration as to whether Parliament should enact a law to have an independent body
undertake investigation of complaints against lawyers.
The Committee wishes to see a far more open and transparent process of investigation so
that the public can be assured that accusations and complaints against lawyers are being
dealt with properly and promptly.
We await some public response on the above matters from the PNG Law Society.

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