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Polye accuses Prime Minister O'Neill over Hela Political impasse

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill has been accused of meddling with politics in Hela province, resulting in the change in the Governorship of Anderson Agiru to Francis Potape.
In a conference with the media yesterday, Opposition Leader, Don Polye accused Mr. O'Neill of driving a wedge between the two Hela sons, in a bid to lay his hands on the landowners 4-point 4-7 percent stake in the PNG LNG project.
Mr. Polye said, the Prime Minister had used that tactic to get the landowners stake, which will be used to purchase the government's 2 point 5 billion kina Sovereign Bond, an issue which has been rejected by Governor Anderson Agiru.
The Opposition Leader has warned the Prime Minister to tread carefully because the situation is likely to create more problems for the landowners and may see another crisis like the Bougainville issue.

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