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Tkatchenko takes over Tourism Ministry

The handover takeover for tourism ministry among acting minister Charles Abel to new minister Justin Tkatchenko was held today with both members and the attendance of the broad from Tourism Promotion Authority headed by Peter Vincent and Office of Tourism Arts and culture headed by Mari Ellingson.
Outgoing acting minister Charles Abel welcomed the newly appointed minister Justin Tkachenko and says that with the innovative approach and experience the Sport minister has will continue the much effects him and the board have done so far for the Ministry. 
Minister Justin Tkatchenko thanks the past effects of Charles Abel and the board of Tourism Promotion Authority and office of Tourism arts and culture; as his plans are to start and continue work in the ministry to innovate promotion, marketing and development for tourism here in PNG.
The 50 million allocated to tourism this year will be spent for the maximum benefit of the industry, as it will be spent in supporting the local suppliers, local hotelier, marketing and promoting of product setting it right back to grassroots level where it can really make a difference and impact the life’s of Papua New Guineans.
Newly appointed minister Hon Justin Tkatchenko says that we have to change our mine set and can’t let some selfish individuals spoil it for the majority; as this issues must be addressed. PNG has the potential of been a number one tourist spot in the Pacific.

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