Somare visits injured students at Port Moresby General Hospital

Meeting and shaking the hand of the founding father of Papua New Guinea at one stage in life is a privilege for many young Papua New Guineans, but for young UPNG student Madmax at his hospital bed, it was an emotional moment when Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare paid him a visit at the Port Moresby General Hospital this evening.
He is currently in a stable condition but he has to heal from the bullet wound sustained from the police shootout last Wednesday at the University of Papua New Guinea.
Meet young Madmax Rex, a third year student studying Earth Science at the University of Papua New Guinea. Madmax does the media works for the UPNG Student Representative Council and was filming on the day of the shootout.
The bullet shot which hospitalised him passed through from the back right side of his chest and exited his front right chest. He is currently suffering lung and chest injuries from the wound but he managed a smile after shedding tears as the Grand Chief and Lady Veronica visited him.
When classes at the university resume on Tuesday the 14th of June as decided by the university council, Madmax with another UPNG student Steven Lucas, who is still in a comma and who still has a bullet in his head, will both still be in the hospital until they fully recover.
Meanwhile the Grand Chief assures the students that he will take their grievances to the university council when he sits with them tomorrow morning. PNGFM / PNG Today
Photo credit: Wesley Warun
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