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Minister Zeming tells Polye to accept Parliament decision and step down

The Minister for Fisheries and Deputy Leader of the People’s National Congress Party,  Mao Zeming  has described the Opposition’s claim to be taking the Parliament to court again as one of the most disgusting and pathetic attempts to misuse the judicial system for political ends that has been seen in the history of the nation.

He said the opposition’s claim that they will seek another vote of no confidence in August, but with another nominee, is an indication that they have no faith in the leadership of Don Polye and so he should step down.
"Does the opposition realise how sick and tired the people are of their ongoing petty politics,” Minister Zeming said.
“Being in Opposition is not about bringing down the Government of the day, but is about challenging the Government of the day to produce the best policy for the 8 million people of the nation.

"Now the Opposition says after being beaten 85 vote to 21 that they want to take this to court and tie up the court’s time.
"They are saying they want to try and change the Government only months from the national election.
“These power-hungry individuals have no regard for the wellbeing of the people who are depending on the regular flow of government services, or the reputation of the country.
"Every time the opposition does this the international media are duped into thinking the opposition could have a chance of success, and local media are pressured into being distracted from other more critical issues.
"The Parliament was forced by the Supreme court to reconvene twice, at a cost to the public of possibly more than a million Kina.
"This money could have been better spent on services for our nation.”
The Minister said the nation is growing tired of the self-serving activities of the small band in the opposition and it was time new leadership was found and they began to debate policy over foolish games.
“This country has had enough of the bitter personal politics as has been delivered by Don Polye as opposition leader,” Minister Zeming said.
“Since becoming leader all he has done is to try and trash the reputation of the nation for his own gain, at a time when the world had been taking a much more positive view of Papua New Guinea.
“He has tried to convince financial markets that the economy is not healthy, when the reality is that the key elements of our economy are very stable.
“With him as leader, the Opposition has interfered with student politics and we have all seen how that has ended with death and injury, and thousands of students unable to continue with their studies.
“This nation has good stable leadership in our Government with Peter O’Neill as Prime Minister, but every good Government needs a strong and intelligent opposition so that policy can be debated and the best outcome delivered for the people.
“Mr Polye should be more concerned with the upcoming vote in his own leadership than

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