Goldie farewells long serving officer

Outgoing Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) chief warrant officer Mark Sakei, has served in the force at Goldie for 21 years.
During his career, he climbed up to be the Regimental Sergeant Major of the unit, which is the highest post a soldier can get in an operating PNGDF Battalion.
His service was described by his commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Dickers Esso, as a man who strives to achieve the best.
Lt Colonel Esso said what the outgoing RSM Sakei has started will be pursued with dedication and vigour.
Sakei will take his new post as RSM Lae Area. He is replaced by the incoming new RSM chief warrant officer Samuel Timmy, the former Chief Sergeant Major at PNGDF Headquarters Murray Barracks.
A wonderful handover-takeover parade was displayed by the PNGDF soldiers in signifying the transfer of powers and authority vested on the RSM pace stick, to the incoming RSM.
Lieutenant Colonel Esso farewelled the outgoing Sakei and thanked him for his leadership, commitment and dedication he has put in developing Goldie.
He congratulates his predecessor and urged him to carry on from where the former RSM has left off and perform his duty without fear or favour.
Lt Col Esso urged all the service men and women at Goldie to establish a good relationship with the new RSM and continue the good work the former RSM has started.
Picture: (L-R) Outgoing RSM to Igam Barracks Area, warrant officer Mark Sakei, handing over the command, authority and leadership invisibly inscribed on the RSM pace stick to his predecessor, warrant officer Samuel Timmy, at Goldie River Training Depot during Hoto Parade last Friday. (Picture by Capt. Barnabas Malken/supplied)
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