Basil responds to Media reports

"The internal party matters therefore require the attention of the duly constituted Pangu Pati Council. All outstanding issues may be addressed according to the strict provisions adapted for generations of Papua New Guineans in our political party constitution".
"The exclusive discretion to make public statements on declared platforms and policies remains the privilege of the parliamentary leader, as stipulated in Clause 30.1 of the Pangu Pati Constitution. My decisions to appoint a high calibre team of advisers remain consistent with those same rights and privileges available to me as the parliamentary leader". Mr. Basil said.
These new advisory appointments are designed to assist the party to consolidate under a revolutionary rebranding effort that gives prominence to expert policy advice and high-level institutional memory.
As Papua New Guinea’s oldest political party, Pangu Pati will ensure that a progressive modern Papua New Guinea is represented in our policy platforms, in connections with our strong traditional values of consensus-building within relationships'.
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