PNG leads in the Pacific region in HIV prevalence rate

This information was given by Valentine Tangoh, the Regional Manager for the National Aids Council Secretariat today at the first ever HIV Summit held at the Stanley Hotel.
Mr Tangoh added that Highlands region is the most concentrated with HIV cases with Enga Province taking the lead and Morobe Province, NCD and Western Province following closely.
During his presentation he mentioned that studies indicate a high prevalence of HIV amongst female sex workers 19%, male sex workers at 8.8% and 23% among transgender males.
“The way forward now for PNG is the current development of a new NHS 2018-2022 for more concentrated epidemic,” he said.
More than 60 church representatives showed up at the summit and among them, the Chairman of the PNG Council of Churches His Eminence Cardinal John Ribat and Health Minister Michael Malabag who will be closing the summit tomorrow.
Prime Minister Peter O’Neill who was expected to officially announce the opening of the summit could not make it as he was tied up with some commitments.
Meanwhile, the Chairman, His Eminence John Ribat during the official opening of the 2 day summit urged the government to work in partnership with the church body to address this killer disease.
Secretary for the PNG Council of Churches Andrew Hama clarified to the heads of churches present that their role during the two day summit was to focus on advocacy, governance, research and partnership and networking.
Mr Hama said tomorrow’s session will be a closed door one where only the heads of churches will sit down and discuss and make vital recommendations in terms of how the Christian churches will collectively and inclusively advocate to address the current response gaps, including other sensitive issues through one voice. PGNFM/PNG Today
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