Regional APEC Meetings to Deliver Real Benefits for PNG
The Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill was speaking with around two thousand PNC supporters in Kavieng when he assured them that their current local member’s threat to cancel the hosting of APEC next year is just hot air.
He said the election of Martin Aini as the PNC Candidate for Kavieng Open is the only way the district can advance with a dedicated elected leader who is committed to the interests of the district and the country.
“These claims by a single opposition member that he would cancel APEC cannot be taken seriously,” the Prime Minister said.
“I have already had to assure our APEC partner economies that he is just one opposition member from 111 in the Parliament, and has a record for making highly questionable statements just to get attention.
“If you ask almost any other member of the Parliament if they agree with Papua New Guinea hosting APEC in 2018, they would be supportive.
“The Kavieng Member's threat to cancel APEC has also backfired because it would mean cancelling the APEC Tourism Minister’s meeting, part of which will take place in his district.
“The Member for Kavieng would take APEC away from his own electorate just political mischief.
“His four party members do not support him, and even the Opposition Leader is against such foolish tactics.
“Hosting an APEC meeting is a very effective way to promote tourism and culture in regional centres, as well as encourage skills transfer and local capacity development."
The Prime Minister said people around the country are tired of candidates who are standing without any clear policies and who just want to run the country down.
“The only people who are knocking the economy are in the opposition.
“They have spent this whole campaign making false claims, talking the economy down, and never offering any real alternatives.
“The current Member for Kavieng has demonstrated that he is not in this election for his people, but for himself.
“That is another reason why the people of Kavieng need to elect an intelligent and balanced leader, and that is what you have in Martin Aini.
"Martin Aini is a leader who will work hard in his electorate and work in the interests of his people and the nation.”
The comments by the current Kavieng Member are at odds with his earlier statements where he embraced advancing national economic development through deepening engagements with APEC.
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