DHERST announces guidelines for Registration of higher education institutions in PNG

In accordance with the Higher Education (General Provisions) Act 2014, all institutions offering higher education qualifications must be registered.
- The decision of the National Executive Council (NG25/2017) made on October 17 2017 calls upon the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology to bring together under its jurisdiction all institutions of higher education teaching post-secondary programmes, for example universities, research and other specialised institutions; colleges offering TVET, nurse education and teacher education [including those teacher colleges affiliated to universities established by Act of Parliament], as well as fisheries, maritime, farming and agricultural establishments, must also be registered.
- It should be noted that the process of registration applies also to all existing, and proposed, public and private institutions offering tertiary education of any kind; however, universities established by Act of Parliament do not require to register.
- Any college or institution unsure of its designation under the Act must seek guidance from the DHERST Quality Assurance Division at QAD@dherst.gov.pg
- An approved registration form may be downloaded below
- Support and advice on the completion of the form is readily available from officials in the Department. Again, please feel free to contact the Quality Assurance Division.
- Details, for example, are required concerning
- the governance and administrative structure of the institution;
- operational, human resource and financial plans;
- the avoidance of discrimination on the basis of sex, race or religion;
- details of all the programmes of study, and
- how the institution will comply with national standards.
- Also of relevance to the registration process is an indication of how the work of the institution will contribute to the social and economic development of the country.
- All institutions offering higher education qualifications in Papua New Guinea, apart from those established by Act of Parliament, have therefore three months from the date of this notice, 14 February 2018, to register themselves with the Department.
Failure to submit a completed form, together with the requisite supporting evidence, within the allotted timeframe may lead ultimately to the closure of an institution
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