Police Graduates told to put people first

That’s from Civil Aviation Minister Alfred Manase when speaking to the graduates as the guest of honour and reviewing officer after the parade.
The probational constables completed basic recruit training with a parade at the Bomana Police College today to commence to the next phase of 18 months training at the advanced skills branch or Competency Acquisition Programme (CAP) units.
The parade by the Constables Training Wing Intake 1 2017 signified the completion of six months training in the areas of:
-Basic Elements of law & GBV
-Police and Court procedures & Human rights
-Conflict resolution & First Aid
-Community Policing & Report Writing with Physical Skills
The Constables will now undergo the CAP units before confirmed and appointed to the rank of constable in the constabulary through police gazettal notice by the commissioner. PNGFM
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