PNG Politics : Opposition forgot to close the Exit Door
PNG Political Commentary by Nemban Nek Kungu
The Opposition was given the opportunity to form the new government by selecting the new Prime Minister but again it slipped out of the Laguna Camp and is heading back to Crown Plaza now as we speak.
Dr Puka Temu made it crystal that PNC is still intact. The major party with the most numbers in the parliament currently is still PNC. The only thing that PNC and the allied parties requested from within the government was for a change in the Prime Minister leadership, nothing else. New PM will still come from the Government.
When you are given the option to choose between two devils, definitely you will choose the good devil. You get the point, Laguna's ground work and the preparation for the game was carried out well but they forgot to put the door closed.
"Put the Door closed" meaning the previous remaining oppositions and leader Hon. Patrick Pruaitch forgot that the factions from the government who had came to joined the them their initial intention was to pave way for Prime Minister Peter O'NIELL to step down from the Prime Minister seat where they attempted it within the PNC but couldn't so they came out to use the help of the opposition power to allow change of leadership in the government.
However, unfortunately PNC members who joined Laguna camp played so that the Prime Minister must never come from the previous opposition but still should continue with PNC members.
PNC is no longer Peter O'Niell. All PNC members and allied leaders wanted was step down of Peter O'Niell. Mr Duma made is more plain using his typical Hagen idiomatic remark referring to Australian politics played out at the time of PM John Howard to remove him even though under his leadership Australia was experiencing success in the government. PNC members and allied parties wanted their turn to be a Prime Minister.
By the way, that was what the members on the floor of parliament were referring to when they mentioned "PNG POLITICS". To be honest, as PNG we have a culture deeply embedded in everyone to never appreciate good someone does and give credits where it dues.
(I will write on PNG Politics in my next post)
PNC members and the allied parties wanted change in the leadership role. As a matter of fact, believe it or not, PNC members who joined the Laguna recently will be back in Crown Plaza camp tonight or before next parliament session tomorrow.
The Laguna Camp failed to shut the exit way, possible way to shut the exit door would be to let the PNC members and other allied parties who deflected from the government to select a choice nominee for the alternative Prime Minister.
In Today's parliament seating, the atmosphere was quite different. I could clearly notice that the game was played only by the government members except Hon. Brain Kramer tried few attempts to stop the game. Hon. Pais Winti said it best,"Leaders must learn to draw clear lines. Peter O'NIELL is a person but Prime Minister is an office"
The idea of the members in the government was not to change the government power but only to change Peter O'NIELL to pave way for new leadership. That's the similar point mentioned by Hon. Duma, and member for Central Bougainville.
PNC is still the choice for the next government.
Consequently, Dr Temu's move at the very last moment was an approval call for the regroup of the lost flocks from the government back to the initial plan "New Prime Minister must still be from the Government"
Government is coming back but with a different leader and new style of leadership. Peter O'NIELL had his share of experience in the Prime Minister office and now we are excited to see who will be the new appointed Prime Minister choice for the government tomorrow.
The Opposition was given the opportunity to form the new government by selecting the new Prime Minister but again it slipped out of the Laguna Camp and is heading back to Crown Plaza now as we speak.
Dr Puka Temu made it crystal that PNC is still intact. The major party with the most numbers in the parliament currently is still PNC. The only thing that PNC and the allied parties requested from within the government was for a change in the Prime Minister leadership, nothing else. New PM will still come from the Government.

"Put the Door closed" meaning the previous remaining oppositions and leader Hon. Patrick Pruaitch forgot that the factions from the government who had came to joined the them their initial intention was to pave way for Prime Minister Peter O'NIELL to step down from the Prime Minister seat where they attempted it within the PNC but couldn't so they came out to use the help of the opposition power to allow change of leadership in the government.
However, unfortunately PNC members who joined Laguna camp played so that the Prime Minister must never come from the previous opposition but still should continue with PNC members.
PNC is no longer Peter O'Niell. All PNC members and allied leaders wanted was step down of Peter O'Niell. Mr Duma made is more plain using his typical Hagen idiomatic remark referring to Australian politics played out at the time of PM John Howard to remove him even though under his leadership Australia was experiencing success in the government. PNC members and allied parties wanted their turn to be a Prime Minister.
By the way, that was what the members on the floor of parliament were referring to when they mentioned "PNG POLITICS". To be honest, as PNG we have a culture deeply embedded in everyone to never appreciate good someone does and give credits where it dues.
(I will write on PNG Politics in my next post)
PNC members and the allied parties wanted change in the leadership role. As a matter of fact, believe it or not, PNC members who joined the Laguna recently will be back in Crown Plaza camp tonight or before next parliament session tomorrow.
The Laguna Camp failed to shut the exit way, possible way to shut the exit door would be to let the PNC members and other allied parties who deflected from the government to select a choice nominee for the alternative Prime Minister.
In Today's parliament seating, the atmosphere was quite different. I could clearly notice that the game was played only by the government members except Hon. Brain Kramer tried few attempts to stop the game. Hon. Pais Winti said it best,"Leaders must learn to draw clear lines. Peter O'NIELL is a person but Prime Minister is an office"
The idea of the members in the government was not to change the government power but only to change Peter O'NIELL to pave way for new leadership. That's the similar point mentioned by Hon. Duma, and member for Central Bougainville.
PNC is still the choice for the next government.
Consequently, Dr Temu's move at the very last moment was an approval call for the regroup of the lost flocks from the government back to the initial plan "New Prime Minister must still be from the Government"
Government is coming back but with a different leader and new style of leadership. Peter O'NIELL had his share of experience in the Prime Minister office and now we are excited to see who will be the new appointed Prime Minister choice for the government tomorrow.
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