PNG Politics : O'Neill calls on Prime Minister Marape to sack Police Minister Kramer
Former Papua New Guinea Peter O’Neill, has called on the Prime Minister James Marape to review the growing weight of evidence of the criminal misuse of power by the Police Minister Bryan Kramer and decommission him as a Minister of State.

Mr. O’Neill has filed three criminal complaints about the activities of Mr. Kramer directly with
police over the past year in February, May and October with documented evidence, and at
least two others filed by other parties including one by the Chief Secretary.
“Not a single complaint against the Police Minister has been acted upon by police and there
has been no response at all to criminal complaints filed to police,” Mr. O’Neill said.
“At the same time, it appears that Mr. Kramer misused his position as Police Minister to
advance his complaint against myself that was made on 7 October 2019 from which an
arrest warrant was obtained 4 days later on 11 October 2019.
“It is accepted that police investigations do take time to process, but why would a personal
complaint by the Police Minister take only four days to move from complaint to arrest warrant
while other complaints have been waiting for more than one year.
“The question now needs to be asked as to when complaints made against Mr. Kramer to
police will be actioned.
“Why is that at least five complaints against Mr. Kramer that I am aware sit dormant while a
complaint made by him are actioned within days.
“When will criminal complaints against Mr. Kramer for breaches of the Cybercrime Code Act
be in investigated and pursued or is he directing police to ignore these criminal complaints against him?
“If the Acting Police Commissioner was serious about treating all complaints the same,
regardless of politics, then some action would have been taken on the earlier complaints
that were lodged before the complaint lodged by his Minister.
“The laws, regulations and conventions of Papua New Guinea must be followed by all
elected Members and public officials, and if these are subverted then the positions of the
parties concerned become untenable.
“There is a massive conflict of interest if Mr. Kramer is to remain as Police Minister, after he
has admitted being actively involved in police operations and demanding briefs on current investigations.
“With the weight of criminal complaints lodged against the police minister, and the obvious
implications of political interference, the Prime Minister is well within his responsibilities to
the State to relieve the Police Minister of his Commission.”
Letters of criminal complaint lodged by Mr. O’Neill against Bryan Kramer:
(1) 15 February 2019 - Complaint of many instances of Mr. Kramer writing untruths and
defamatory material on the internet under S21 and S23 not the Cybercrime Code
(2) 22 May 2019 - Complaint of Mr. Kramer posting defamatory and harassing
statements on the internet over false citizenship claims under s21 and 23 of
Cybercrime Code Act
(3) 28 October 2019 - Complaint again against Mr. Kramer posting defamatory and
harassing statements relating to false citizenship claims under s21 and 23 of
Cybercrime Code Act
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