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Papua New Guineans are suffering as desperate Marape-Steven Govt Plays Politics with DSIP and PSIP Funds

Papua New Guinea's Deputy Leader of the People’s National Congress Party, and former Finance Minister, . Richard Maru, MP, has exposed the current Government’s manipulation and holding back of funding transfers to districts and provinces that are represented by Opposition Members of Parliament.

Mr. Maru said this denial of funding is a criminal abuse of authority by the Treasury and Finance Ministers for political purposes that will hurt a lot of people.

“People in remote and rural communities around the country are suffering because this Government is using DSIP and PSIP as a way to apply political pressure,” Mr. Maru said.

“These funds are specifically allocated to deliver services to our grassroots people, and is particularly important when government does not perform its primary functions properly as is happening now.

“There has never been a more important time for Districts and Provinces to be able to directly fund the urgent needs of our people who are already suffering because of the National economic collapse.”

Mr. Maru said the Government’s abuse of power in not releasing the funding is driven by desperation politics.

“This Government is doing everything it can to try and hold on to Members that they know are looking to break away.

“There is a clear threat being conveyed to Members of Parliament, that if they do not toe the line and vote with Marape, they will lose DSIP or PSIP funding.

“As such, Opposition Members have only received a fraction of allocated DSIP and PSIP funds as the government plays politics with people’s lives.

“Never before has a government played such nasty politics over these funds, and this has very direct and harmful consequences for our people, particularly in remote areas.”

District Services Improvement Program (DSIP) and Provincial Services Improvement Program (PSIP) funding is approved on an equal basis to each District and Province.


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