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Port Moresby Police to Arrest and Impound Those who violate Public Transport Measures

 PMV operators and the travelling public in the National Capital District are being warned that as of today those violating measure numbers 9, 10 and 11 issued by the National Pandemic Controller will be arrested and prosecuted accordingly.

NCD Metropolitan Superintendent Perou N’dranou said all NCD police commands will be issued this directive as soon as practicable after much awareness of the New Normal was carried out for the past days.

The specific areas in the three new measures that police will be critically observing are;

  • 25 seater PMV buses carry the 15 required passengers,
  • Passengers and PMV crew to wear face masks and,
  • PMV operators must have on board hand sanitizers to sanitize every passenger that gets on board.

Met Supt N’dranou said failure to observe these will result in the apprehension of crew and passengers found violating the measure and the vehicle impounded.

When asked on the penalties that will apply, N’dranou said, the court will decide under the Pandemic Act.

N’dranou emphasized, the COVID-19 threat is a serious issue and everyone must adhere to the new measures not to please police, but for the safety of the community at large.

Met Supt N’dranou said the challenge itself is daunting, however plans to have the military assisting is in place but police will take the lead and do their best using whatever resources available to enforce the government’s call.


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PNG MP James Donald Charged for Cyber Crime

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