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Naru weighs in on PNG Constitutional Crisis

Former PNG's Morobe Governor Kelly Naru (Pictured) has followed his predecessor, Luther Wenge, in weighing in, on the current constitutional crises and standoff between the Opposition, led by Belden Namah, and Government under Prime Minister, James Marape.

Like Mr Wenge, Mr Naru is also a constitutional lawyer, and has experience as a private practitioner providing legal service to the PNG Parliament, prior to his one term in office as governor in the last Parliament.

Mr Naru says the lawyers and clerks of Parliament did not do their jobs properly in advising the deputy Speaker and Markham MP, Koni Iguan, who chaired that fateful parliament sitting two weeks ago, which led to the other constitutional issues and a hung-parliament.

Mr Naru predicted that the country will continue to face economic challenges in terms of making revenues, in light of this constitutional crisis.

Mr Naru, who famously, read a speech on the rule of law and the need for government stability, in late 2016 in Parliament prior to a Vote Of No Confidence which was move by Bulolo MP, Sam Basil, against Peter O’Neill as PM, admitted that his speech basically supported Mr O’Neill and influencing the number of MPs in support of him,  but resulted in him losing his re-election, because the people of Morobe were against Mr O’Neill’s leadership then.

Mr Naru, reiterated that a Vote of No Confidence motion on the floor of parliament disturbs a stable government, and says it is about time the laws and systems are changed or adapted, so that the ordinary voters can directly vote the Prime Minister.

Mr Naru says the situation is in a legal mess right now and says the Supreme Court is the only avenue left to address this.

On the budget, he says if the court rules in favor of the Opposition to eventually take over the government, they as the new government can table a new budget or pass a supplementary budget.

NBC News/PNG Today

Next : PNG High Court Rules, Marape's Election as Prime Minister Legal

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