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PNG Opposition Leader Namah Describes Sir Mekere Morauta as Champion

Papua New Guinea Opposition leader Belden Namah has described the late Sir Mekere Morauta as a champion of good governance. 

Mr. Namah said  Papua New Guinea has lost a corruption fighter, a very colorful senior statesman, and a renowned reformist.

He said Sir Mekere's passing will leave a dent in the fight against corruption and in PNG's political life.

Late Sir Mekere Morauta 

Mr. Namah said the late Sir Mekere will be long remembered as an arch campaigner against systemic and systematic corruption in PNG. 

He said it was this belief that led him to re-enter politics in 2017 and win the Moresby North West seat.

Sir Mekere contributed so much in the various distinguished positions he's held and introduced the Integrity of Political Parties and Candidates law to stabilise politics, as well as amended the Bank of PNG Act to strengthen financial institutions as Prime Minister. 

Sir Mekere was the founding leader of the PNG Party, of which Mr. Namah is now the leader. 

Mr. Namah described him as a gentle but firm mentor who guided them in the direction of equitable and lawful, adding he shall personally miss Sir Mekere's friendship and guidance. 

Namah added PNG must be grateful for his contribution and for the legacy he's passed to leaders to carry forward, and that it will be a great honour to emulate him going forward.

NBC News / PNG Today

next : PNG PM Marape Expresses Sadness at the Passing of Sir Mekere Morauta

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