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Port Moresby Governor Parkop Calls for forced Repatriation on troublemakers

 Papua New Guinea's Port Moresby Governor Powes Parkop wants people from other provinces fighting and killing each other in the city should be forced to go home and banned from coming back.

He was responding to fights erupting in the city resulting in the death of three men in a drug deal that went wrong at 2-Mile in Moresby South.

Parkop stopped short of calling for the Vagrancy Act to be enforced.

The governor said  the problem would not be solved by a “silver spoon”.

“They have no place for it in the city which belongs to all our people to live in respect and harmony with each other,” he said.

“It’s also a city we share with the Motu Koitabu people whose culture is one of respect and peace.

“Everyone who lives here must follow those values.

“Otherwise, they should go back (to where they came from).

“Everyone is fed up with people who can’t respect these fundamental principles and values and continue to hate and inflict violence and death on others on the basis of ethnic differences or bias.

“The time has come to ban such people from coming to live in our national capital.”

He said many ethnic groups in the city have learned to peacefully co-exist.


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