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Police, Soldiers conduct "Niupela Pasin' Awareness in Hela Province

 Police and the PNG Defence Force personnel in Hela are conducting awareness to ensure the general public adhere to the “Niupela Pasin” protocols to contain the spread of COVID-19 cases.

Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector Teddy Agwi said his officers and the Defence Force personnel have started awareness within the Tari township and have gone as far as Komo, Magarima, Kopiago, and Koroba informing general public to wear facemasks and maintain social distance whilst in public places.

“We are conducting awareness especially at the market places and main shopping centres where a lot of people congregate to ensure strict compliance of the “niupela pasin” protocols,” Mr Agwi said, adding that in that way they can at least contain the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant cases in the province and the neighbouring provinces as well.

Mr Agwi said they set up roadblocks at the designated areas to ensure everyone wore facemasks and checked their temperatures. He said persons without facemasks are sent home whilst those with masks are allowed to go into tow. The hospital staff in the province have also set up tents and ensure those people with high temperature are referred directly to the hospital for testing.

“We have 40 MS07 members from Tari and 33 Defence Force personnel who were brought into Tari for deployment in Hides to assist our local police officers and reservists in implementing the measures,” Mr Agwi said.

The PPC however said they have not received any financial support from the provincial government for this operation but with the help of a small NGO group based in Hela. They are using loudhailers supplied by the NGO. A local company owned by Chinese businesses based in Tari have also assisted the awareness program with drums placed at the junctions and designated areas. Others have also assisted with 20 temperature guns.

Mr Agwi believes raising awareness and educating the public is one of the best strategies to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and keep the people safe.

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