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Steamships Returns to Bougainville after 30 years

A major ceremony is currently underway in Toniva in Kieta District Central Bougainville, to welcome back business giant, the Steamships Group of Companies into the autonomous region.

Steamships were among major businesses which were forced out of the then North Solomons Province in the late 1980s following the start of the Bougainville Conflict.

It has now returned under the invitation of the Autonomous Bougainville Government, almost 30 years after leaving.

In its pursuit of boosting its economy, the ABG is inviting major businesses, who had once operated in the region, to return.

The Steamships Group of companies is the first to take up this invitation.

Toniva and Kieta were former government and business hives of the then North Solomons Province.

Executives of Steamships are currently in Toniva to accept the invitation to return and to start establishing the company's presence.

Bougainville President, Ishmael Toroama, Vice President and Economic Development Minister Patrick Nisira and other ministers and members of the House of Representatives, including locals and chiefs of Toniva have also assembled to welcome back Steamships.

NBC News / PNG Today

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