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PNG Political Dynamics Shift as Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah Released from Government by Prime Minister Marape

 In another  development, Prime Minister James Marape has formally declared the release of Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah from the government. This decision comes as a resolution from the consensus reached by Pangu Pati's Parliamentary and Non-Parliamentary Wings.

While expressing gratitude for Namah's contributions since 2022, Prime Minister Marape acknowledged their personal friendship but stressed the importance of adhering to the demands of the Pangu Party.

"While Belden Namah and I share a personal friendship, I must prioritize the commitments of the party," stated Marape during the official announcement.

Additionally, the Prime Minister took a moment to commend six other Members of Parliament who had previously resigned, granting them the freedom to join the Opposition as mandated leaders. Marape encouraged these individuals to contribute constructive alternatives for the country's development, citing their signs of dissatisfaction as a valid reason for their departure.

Responding to the announcement, Belden Namah issued a robust statement, contesting the manner in which his release was presented.

"I am not a member of his PANGU PATI INO SAVE LONG ROT for him to make a grand announcement for my release. But thank you, James Marape , for the respect accorded," remarked Namah.

He continued, "If you didn’t know, I have already announced my resignation from your most corrupt and incompetent leadership on Thursday, 11th January 2024. I cannot serve under a Prime Minister who is so hypocritical."

Namah further criticized what he perceived as inconsistency in Marape's leadership, stating, "On one moment you say one thing and do totally the opposite the very next moment. One moment you are calling God’s name, and the next moment you are performing the acts of Satan. NO! NO! NO! I cannot serve under your leadership, James Marape. I would rather serve and save my country and my people from you, the most corrupt and incompetent man I have ever known."

The political landscape in Papua New Guinea experiences a notable shift with Namah's departure from the government, paving the way for potential changes in political alliances and strategies.

Next : 

North Fly Open MP Queries Release of K350 Million Road Funds

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