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PNG Trade union supports disband of Task Force Sweep

PNG Trade Union Congress says its following the political developments with interests, but when commenting on the disbanding of the Task Force Sweep team says it was the prerogative of the government of the day.

General Secretary of the PNG TUC John Paska said disbanding the sweep team was in the best interest of the government and that all investigations by the team had to be concluded to allow for due processes to be activated.

Mr. Paska, however, commended the PM Peter O’Neill for his announcement in setting up an independent inquiry which will entirely be independent in its dealings and will serve the interest to remove any doubt on uncertainty.

Meanwhile, he said that he was not properly informed by calls from the Police Union for support from its fellow unionists and its calls on PM to restrain from politicizing duties and functions of the police force.

PNG Toda / PNG Village

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