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Pala provides evidence to the court on the legality of Paraka payments

Attorney General Ano Pala has provided several documents as evidence to the Supreme Court over his claims that millions of kina paid to Paul Paraka Lawyers were legal.
Mr Pala was summoned on Wednesday to appear after a report on the front page of Tuesday's edition of The National Newspaper.
The publication came as a result of a media statement made by the Attorney General.
The front page article said new evidences shows there is nothing illegal about the millions of kina paid by the State to the private law firm.
Yesterday he appeared before the bench and was ordered to provide these evidences before the court to clarify himself.
This morning Justice Ambang Kandakasi received the documents and says the court will weigh it out and possibly here arguments today or next week.
He may be charge with contempt of court if his statements are found to be misleading.
Directions are also expected to by made by the three man bench to prevent parties involved in the case to make media statements regarding the Paraka Issue.
This is to prevent misleading information to the public in what is otherwise a court and police investigative matter that has taken years to establish.
Several matters on the same issue are also before various courts with persons already being charged.
Those that may be refrained include political figures, members of the investigation police team, and those in connection with the matter.

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