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Prime Minister Peter O'Neill launches Integrated Government Information System

The people of Papua New Guinea live in a world with ever-expanding access to technology and online information. Prime Minister Peter O’Neill said this in his opening speech adding society has changed dramatically over recent decades, and their use of new and better communications systems continues to evolve. “Our people want access to government information relating to services and regulations, and when they have a question - they want that question to be answered promptly. “In the interconnected world of today, it is important for all governments to continue to embrace emerging information and communications technologies. “Our government recognizes this need and is expanding our use of technology to engage with the people of Papua New Guinea, and to better coordinate the delivery of government services. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to launch the “Integrated Government Information System or IGIS,” he said. He said they envisaged that through IGIS, government departments and agencies would be better integrated, work in a more coordinated manner, and utilize technology effectively to serve the people of our country. He said there is no doubt that the introduction of this communications infrastructure today would increase efficiency in public service delivery.  “It will also help us in realizing our specific targets under Vision 2050 and its cascading developments plans and strategies. “Beyond today’s launch, there is also a standing government decision to move into Phase 2 of IGIS.  This will extend connectivity from current sites further to the provinces and districts. “Let me take this opportunity to thank the Government of China in making available the concessional facility of 53 million US dollars through the EXIM Bank which enabled the IGIS project to proceed. “I was Treasurer in 2011 when the Concessional Loan was undertaken with EXIM Bank, and I fully appreciated the importance of that undertaking,” he said. Mr O’Neill said infact, the concessional loan not only enabled the IGIS project, but led to other projects funded through EXIM Bank. He extendedhis gratitude to the Huawei Technology Company of China, the largest telecommunications equipment maker in the world, for delivering IGIS Phase 1. “I congratulate everyone who has been involved with this project. “It gives me great pleasure to officially launch the “Integrated Government Information System” for the people of Papua New Guinea.”

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